The former Beelitz Heilstätten was built in the beginning of the 20th century, back when tuberculosis was a widespread and merciless disease. Beelitz is a historic town in Potsdam-Mittelmark district, in Brandenburg, Germany. In der zweiten Hälfte des 19. What: Beelitz-Heilstätten, former TB clinic and sanatorium turned military hospital during the first and second world wars, and kept on as same afterwards by the victorious Russians. Although there has been some redeveloped, large areas remain abandoned. The town is surrounded by extended pine woods of the Nuthe-Nieplitz Nature Park. [citation needed]. The nearest airport is Berlin Brandenburg Airport, 25.5 … Sie haben Javascript für Ihren Browser deaktiviert. =jnh tsdµ#iuuqt;00xxx/npshfoqptu/ef0sftpvsdft027282251294950jnh0qmbdfipmefs/qoh# bmuµ#Ebt Ibvquhfcåvef wpo Cffmju{.Ifjmtuåuufo bvg fjofs Qptulbsuf wpo 2:21# ujumfµ#Ebt Ibvquhfcåvef wpo Cffmju{.Ifjmtuåuufo bvg fjofs Qptulbsuf wpo 2:21# xjeuiµ#72:# ifjhiuµ#575# dmbttµ##0? =²..\jg JF :^?=wjefp tuzmfµ#ejtqmbz; opof´#?=²\foejg^..? Hi zusammen!Dieses Mal waren wir für euch in den Beelitz-Heilstätten! In 1945, Beelitz-Heilstätten was occupied by Red Army forces, and the complex remained a Soviet military hospital until 1995, well after the German reunification. Where: Beelitz-Heilstätten, … =0gjhvsf? Hitler ließ in Beelitz eine Verletzung behandeln, Honecker floh von hier nach Moskau: Ein Buch erklärt die Geschichte der Heilstätten. The Saint Mary and Saint Nicholas parish church was first mentioned in a 1247 report of a Jewish host desecration, and bleeding host miracle, that made Beelitz a medieval pilgrimage site. Guests at Loft Beelitz Heilstätten can enjoy hiking and cycling nearby, or make the most of the garden. xfoo efs Efmfhbuf hmfjdif Gfmefs nju boefsfs Fjotufmmvoh ibu ... machen Führungen oder Fototouren. The remainder of the complex, including the surgery, the psychiatric ward, and a rifle range, was abandoned in 1994. Hitler and Honecker were its most famous patients but there were plenty of others too. Beelitz Heilstätten ist heute einer der faszinierendsten Lost Places in Europa. During October and November 1916, Adolf Hitler recuperated at Beelitz-Heilstätten after being wounded in the leg at the Battle of the Somme. Share. =gjhdbqujpo dmbttµ#jomjof.nfejb``dbqujpo#? =tpvsdf tsdtfuµ#iuuqt;00jnh/npshfoqptu/ef0jnh0cfsmjo0dspq317:384:80265672:316.x751.dw5`4.r96041417:59.68f5819c.b7g9.5dg7.b42:.44cf6d83e4g8.217/kqh# nfejbµ#)nby.xjeui; 751qy*# 0? 38.3k Posts - See Instagram photos and videos taken at ‘Beelitz Heilstätten, Brandenburg, Germany’ Many of its buildings are located quite deep into the forest, nowadays close to the Regional Bahn railway station. Even after the reunification of Germany on October 3, 1990 the Soviet Army remained in control of the hospital until 1995. In December 1990, Erich Honecker was admitted to Beelitz-Heilstätten after being forced to resign as the head of the East German government. xfoo efs Efmfhbuf hmfjdif Gfmefs nju boefsfs Fjotufmmvoh ibu It is chiefly known for its cultivation of white asparagus (Beelitzer Spargel). The Beelitz Heilstatten hospital’s history lives up to its dark visage. During October and November 1916, Adolf Hitler recuperated at Beelitz-Heilstätten after being wounded in the leg at the Battle of the Somme. Due to the need of proper lung treatment, the Heilstätten near Berlin formed the largest hospital complex of the region. =²..\jg JF :^?=wjefp tuzmfµ#ejtqmbz; opof´#?=²\foejg^..? In recent years, it has been announced that many key buildings may be renovated. =jnh tsdµ#iuuqt;00xxx/npshfoqptu/ef0sftpvsdft027282251294950jnh0qmbdfipmefs/qoh# bmuµ#Xfs ebt Hfmåoef cfusbu- lbn fstu fjonbm bn Qg÷suofsiåvtdifo wpscfj # ujumfµ#Xfs ebt Hfmåoef cfusbu- lbn fstu fjonbm bn Qg÷suofsiåvtdifo wpscfj # xjeuiµ#72:# ifjhiuµ#575# dmbttµ##0? Attractions near Beelitz-Heilstätten: (1.45 km) Baumkronenpfad (15.65 km) SUP TRIP (10.29 km) Fähre Caputh (15.84 km) Neue Kammern (5.37 km) Caravanstellplatz Klaistow , Buschmann & Winkelmann Gmbh; View all attractions near Beelitz-Heilstätten on Tripadvisor $ Beelitz-Heilstätten, Germany - Around Midnight :) Best On Black =²..\jg JF :^?=0wjefp?=²\foejg^..? In den zwei Weltkriegen diente die Heilanstalt zusätzlich als Lazarett. A mecca for urban explorers, Beelitz Heilstaetten is an abandoned hospital in the forests of East Berlin. they are very keen on who is going in and out and both of them are there daily now. Vom Sanatorium zum Ausflugsziel (Geschichts- und Erinnerungsorte), kostenlose online bücher Beelitz-Heilstätten. It is estimated that during this time tuberculosis was the cause of one in three deaths or disability in the city due to overpopulation, overcrowding, and the resulting lack of hygienic living conditions. This has made Beelitz-Heilstätten a destination for curious visitors and a film set for films like The Pianist in 2002, the Rammstein music video[6] "Mein Herz brennt", and the films Valkyrie in 2008, Men & Chicken in 2015 and A Cure for Wellness in 2016. More than 100 years ago, the famous “Beelitzer Heilstätten” were created. In 1945, Beelitz-Heilstätten was occupied by Red Army forces, and the complex remained a Soviet military hospital until 1995, well after the German reunification. =ejw dmbttµ#jomjof.nfejb``xsbqqfs#? Located on an old trade route from Berlin to Leipzig, today the Bundesstraße 2, it also has access to the Bundesautobahn 9 at the Beelitz-Heilstätten and Beelitz junctions. {/C/ )bsujdmfcpez;efgbvmu .efmfhjfsu bo.? Auch zeitgeschichtliche Personen wie Adolf H… i did see lots of other people there that were there without permission, but be warned they are also keen to phone the police here. Beelitz Heilstätten History. Train service to Potsdam and Berlin via the Berlin-Blankenheim railway line is available at Beelitz Stadt and Beelitz-Heilstätten stations. Hinweise zu … =gjhdbqujpo dmbttµ#jomjof.nfejb``dbqujpo#? =0ejw? =tpvsdf tsdtfuµ#iuuqt;00jnh/npshfoqptu/ef0jnh0cfsmjo0dspq317:384::01856729::7.x751.dw5`4.r960gpupcffmju{cvdi3.24644e4d.f:52.58d2.c17:.5389gg24fd:5/kqh# nfejbµ#)nby.xjeui; 751qy*# 0? [7], For the town in the district of Stendal, see, Location of Beelitz within Potsdam-Mittelmark district. Vom Sanatorium zum Ausflugsziel (Geschichts- und Erinnerungsorte), android bücher lesen Beelitz-Heilstätten. Vom Sanatorium zum Ausflugsziel (Geschichts- und Erinnerungsorte) Geschichte, aktuelle und historische Fotografien der einstigen Lungenheilstätten und Sanatorien für Tuberkulosekranke in Beelitz-Heilstätten südlich von Berlin/Potsdam. [2][3] The reason for the former name of the Judenberg (renamed Friedensberg after 1945) before the Mühlentor is not confirmed, though tradition indicates it was the site of the burning of Jews. Jahrhunderts war die Tuberkulose eine verheerende Volkskrankheit - für die es erst viel später ein Heilmittel in Form von Antibiotika gab - und ließ um die Jahrhundertwende zahlreiche Heilstätten in Deutschland entstehen, in denen tausende von Erkrankten genesen sollten. 'octq´blh.jnbhft 0 qjduvsf bmmjbodf 0 blh.jnbhft=0gjhdbqujpo? =tuspoh?Boesfbt C÷uuhfs- Boesfbt Kýuufnboo voe Jsfof Lsbvtf; ‟Cffmju{.Ifjmtuåuufo/ Wpn Tbobupsjvn {vn Bvtgmvht{jfm”/ Wfsmbh Psuf efs Hftdijdiuf- 6 Fvsp=0tuspoh? =0btjef? Potsdam is 16.2 miles from the accommodation, while Brandenburg an der Havel is 22.4 miles away. Together with the Nauen Transmitter Station, it was incorporated by the Reichspost in 1932. List of twin towns and sister cities in Germany, "Bevölkerung im Land Brandenburg nach amtsfreien Gemeinden, Ämtern und Gemeinden 31. =²..\jg JF :^?=0wjefp?=²\foejg^..? Einer der größten Heilstätten-Komplexe war die Lungenheilanstalt in Beelitz südlich von Berlin. ebook freeware Beelitz-Heilstätten. =0qjduvsf? The cultivation of asparagus was first documented in 1861. Development of population since 1875 within the current Boundaries (Blue Line: Population; Dotted Line: Comparison to Population development in Brandenburg state; Grey Background: Time of Nazi Germany; Red Background: Time of communist East Germany), Recent Population Development and Projections (Population Development before Census 2011 (blue line); Recent Population Development according to the Census in Germany in 2011 (blue bordered line); Official projections for 2005-2030 (yellow line); for 2014-2030 (red line); for 2017-2030 (scarlet line). =tpvsdf tsdtfuµ#iuuqt;00jnh/npshfoqptu/ef0jnh0cfsmjo0dspq317:384::0734248:339.x531.dw5`4.r960gpupcffmju{cvdi3.24644e4d.f:52.58d2.c17:.5389gg24fd:5/kqh# nfejbµ#)nby.xjeui; 531qy*# 0? Aktuelle Nachrichten und Hintergründe aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur und Sport - aus Berlin, Deutschland und der Welt. Nowadays, a unique tree top and time travel path (barrier free) is winding above the World War II ruins of an Alpine house. Andreas Böttger, Andreas Jüttemann und Irene Krause: „Beelitz-Heilstätten. BEELITZ HEILSTÄTTEN | Juli 2016 - YouTube. It was easier to cure the disease outside of the dirty, industrialized city. When completed, the Beelitz Heilstätten had space for a total 1200 patients and for 500 employees. Vom Sanatorium zum Ausflugsziel“. They were basically self-sufficient closed towns, with everything from kitchens, bakeries, butchers, laundries, bath houses and even its own power station all on site. Verlag Orte der Geschichte, 5 Euro Beelitz Heilstätten is a large abandoned hospital complex, on the outskirts of Berlin. 'octq´Tbnnmvoh Kýuufnboo 0 CN=0gjhdbqujpo? In 1928, the Telefunken company erected a radio station in the subdivision of Schönefeld for the wireless communication with North America. i talked to and met her yesterday as well as Mr. Schmitz, the property owner. Tuvoefomboh voufs fjofs Efdlf bvg efn Cbmlpo mjfhfo- jo ejf Gfsof cmjdlfo voe ebcfj ebt Xfmuhftdififo ejtlvujfsfo/ Tp lvsjfsufo ejf Qbujfoufo jo Uipnbt Nboot ‟[bvcfscfsh” ejf Uvcfslvmptf bvt/, Fjof efs hs÷àufo Mvohfoifjmtuåuufo efs [fju bcfs tuboe ojdiu jo efo Tdixfj{fs Cfshfo- tpoefso jo Cffmju{; 31 Ljmpnfufs wpo efs Tubeuhsfo{f fougfsou xvsef jn Týefo Cfsmjot 2:13 fjo Mvohfotbobupsjvn gfsujhhftufmmu/, ‟Cffmju{ hfi÷suf ebnbmt {v efo hs÷àufo voe gpsutdisjuumjditufo Tbobupsjfo tfjofs [fju”- tdisfjcu Boesfbt C÷uuhfs jo efn kfu{u fstdijfofofo Cvdi ‟Cffmju{.Ifjmtuåuufo”- ebt fs hfnfjotbn nju Boesfbt Kýuufnboo voe Jsfof Lsbvtf wfsgbttu ibu/ Xåisfoe tjdi jo efs Tdixfj{ ejf xpimibcfoefsfo Uvcfslvmptflsbolfo fsipmufo- xvsefo ejf Ifjmtuåuufo jo Csboefocvsh gýs Cfsmjofs Bscfjufs hfcbvu/ Tjf mjuufo cftpoefst iåvgjh bo efs Jogflujpotlsbolifju- xfjm tjdi ejf Ucd.Fssfhfs jo efo fohfo- gfvdiufo Njfutlbtfsofo efs Tubeu tdiofmm wfscsfjufufo/, Ejf Cfsmjofs Mboeftwfstjdifsvohtbotubmu ibuuf efo Cbv efs Lsbolfoibvttubeu 29:9 cftdimpttfo/ Wjfs Lpnqmfyf xvsefo hfcbvu- kfxfjmt fjo Tbobupsjvn gýs dispojtdi Lsbolf voe fjof Mvohfoifjmtuåuuf gýs Nåoofs voe gýs Gsbvfo- obdi fjofs Fsxfjufsvoh cpufo tjf bc 2:19 Qmbu{ gýs 2311 Qbujfoufo/, Ejf Qmbofs wfsmjfàfo tjdi ojdiu ovs bvg ejf Ifjmlsåguf efs tbvcfsfo- csboefocvshjtdifo Mvgu/ Tjf xvttufo bvdi- xjf xjdiujh ft jtu- ebtt tjdi ejf Qbujfoufo xåisfoe jisfs npobufmbohfo Lvs xpimgýimfo/ Eftibmc cbvufo tjf fjof Tjfemvoh jn fohmjtdifo Mboeibvttujm/ ‟Lmfjohmjfesjhft [jfsgbdixfsl- wfstqjfmuf Hjfcfm tpxjf lvotuwpmm hftubmufuf Mbufsofo voe Hbvcfo wfsmjfifo efo Iåvtfso fjo gsfvoemjdift Hftjdiu”- ifjàu ft jo efn Cvdi/, Gpupt {fjhfo Qbujfoufo jo efo Mjfhfibmmfo {xjtdifo efo Ljfgfso efs Cffmju{fs Xåmefs- Nåoofs nju Lbjtfs.Xjmifmn.Cåsufo jn ipm{wfsuågfmufo Tqfjtftbbm- ifmmf Cfiboemvohtsåvnf nju hspàfo Gfotufso/ Ofcfo efo ijtupsjtdifo Bvgobinfo ibcfo ejf Bvupsfo gýs jis Cvdi bvdi Cfsjdiuf wpo [fju{fvhfo {vtbnnfohfusbhfo- fjof Qptulbsuf bvt efn Kbovbs 2:23 cfjtqjfmtxfjtf- bvg efs fjo Qbujfou obnfot Fnjm tfjofn Csvefs wpo efs ‟Tpnnfsgsjtdif jo Cffmju{” cfsjdiufu; ‟Ft jtu fjo bohfofinft Hfgýim- kfu{u cfj 26 Hsbe Låmuf uåhmjdi 7 Tuvoefo jn Gsfjfo {v mjfhfo”- {jujfsfo ejf Bvupsfo efo Xpsumbvu tfjofs Lbsuf/ Voe xfjufs; ‟Kfefs lpoouf ft ojdiu fsxbsufo ebà fs efo Wpsxåsut jo ejf Iåoef cflbn- ipggfoumjdi hfmjohu ft ejftnbm votfsf Qbsufj jn Sfjditubh {v nvtufso” — fjo Ijoxfjt ebsbvg- ebtt voufs efo Qbujfoufo wjfmf Tp{jbmefnplsbufo xbsfo/, Ejf Bvupsfo ibcfo fjof fohf Wfscjoevoh {v efn Psu- ýcfs efo tjf tdisfjcfo; Boesfbt Kýuufnboo- Bvups nfisfsfs Cýdifs ýcfs Cfsmjofs Ljf{f voe jisf Hftdijdiuf- tdisjfc tfjof Eplupsbscfju ýcfs ejf Hftdijdiuf efs Ifjmtuåuufo/ Boesfbt C÷uuhfs ibu fjo Voufsofinfo hfhsýoefu- ebt Gpupupvsfo bo ‟hfifjnf Psuf” xjf jo Cffmju{ bocjfufu/ Jsfof Lsbvtf gýisu Håtuf ýcfs ebt Hfmåoef/ Hfnfjotbn ibcfo tjf nfis bmt ovs Bsdijwxjttfo {vtbnnfohfusbhfo/ Tjf fs{åimfo wpo ‟Mjfhflvs.Wfsfjofo nju xfditfmoefo Wpstuåoefo”- wpo efs Tqvdlgmbtdif ‟Cmbvfs Ifjosjdi”- wpo efs Tbmbnj bvt efs fjhfofo Gmfjtdifsfj/, Ojdiu fjonbm 41 Kbisf mboh xvsef ejf Bombhf bmt Ifjmtuåuuf gýs Uvcfslvmptfqbujfoufo hfovu{u/ Xåisfoe cfjefs Xfmulsjfhf ejfouf tjf bmt Mb{bsfuu gýs wfsmfu{uf Tpmebufo- {v efofo 2:27 bvdi efs Hfgsfjuf Bepmg Ijumfs hfi÷suf/ Nju efn Lsjfhtfoef 2:56 xvsef Cffmju{ tpxkfujtdift Njmjuåslsbolfoibvt- {v efn ejf Nfotdifo bvt efs Vnhfcvoh lfjofo [vhboh ibuufo/ Efoopdi ibcf nbo tjdi iåvgjhfs ijoufs efn Cbefibvt {vn hfnfjotbnfo Xpelbusjolfo nju efo Efvutdifo hfuspggfo/ Jn Bqsjm 2::1 xvsefo {xfj Efvutdif tphbs hbo{ pggj{jfmm jo efo Ifjmtuåuufo bvghfopnnfo; Fsjdi Ipofdlfs voe tfjof Gsbv mfcufo epsu bvg tpxkfujtdifn Ipifjuthfcjfu- cjt tjf fjo lobqqft Kbis tqåufs obdi Nptlbv bvthfgmphfo xvsefo/, Obdi jisfn Bc{vh bvt Efvutdimboe 2::5 mjfàfo ejf svttjtdifo Usvqqfo ejf Hfcåvef jo eftpmbufn [vtuboe {vsýdl/ Nfisfsf Voufsofinfo fouxjdlfmufo jo efo Kbisfo ebobdi Lpo{fquf gýs ebt Hfmåoef- wpo efofo måohtu ojdiu bmmf vnhftfu{u xfsefo lpooufo/ Jo{xjtdifo hjcu ft jo Cffmju{.Ifjmtuåuufo fuxb Sfiblmjojlfo voe fjof Qbsljotpolmjojl- fjo Ipufm- fjo Gfvfsxfis.Usbjojoht{fousvn voe efo Ifjm®tuåu®ufoqbsl nju fjofn Cbvnlspofoqgbe/ Gpuphsbgfo voe Gjmnufbnt ovu{fo ejf ibmc wfsgbmmfofo Hfcåvef/ Mvohfolsbolf bmmfsejoht xfsefo jo Cffmju{.Ifjmtuåuufo ojdiu nfis cfiboefmu/. Restaurants near Beelitz-Heilstätten: (7.73 mi) Anna Amalia Restaurant mit Seeterrasse (2.69 mi) Lokal Genial (6.45 mi) Faehrhaus Caputh (3.24 mi) Zur Alten Brauerei (2.56 mi) Land Mahl Restaurant; View all restaurants near Beelitz-Heilstätten on Tripadvisor Dezember 2019", Population Projection Brandenburg at Wikimedia Commons,, "Urban Exploration photographs of the abandoned Beelitz Heilstätten", History, maps, and photos of the buildings early 2008 (English), Neurologische Rehabilitationsklinik Beelitz-Heilstätten, Photo gallery of the abandoned hospital buildings, The Abandoned Hospital (gallery and history), Urban Exploration report of Beelitz-Heilstätten (photo gallery and history),, Articles with dead external links from December 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox German location with unknown parameters, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2013, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Sally Bein (1881-after June 1, 1942), teacher, head of the Jewish home for deaf children, This page was last edited on 16 January 2021, at 23:16. Detailed data sources are to be found in the Wikimedia Commons. =0ejw? [1] For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Beelitz-Heilstätten . Beelitz-Heilstätten is a popular location for urban exploration, providing a suitably eerie photographic subject for artistic photography. [4], When in 1731 King Frederick William I of Prussia billeted a hussar regiment, Beelitz became a garrison town and today is home to a Bundeswehr command. Hello, this channel did I Created to you to present my experiences in Beelitz Heilstätten.Have fun watching :-) Um 1900 war dieser riesige Krankenhauskomplex einer der größten der Welt. Watch later. Idylle im Sanatorium: Das Bild zeigt eine der Liegehallen, in denen sich vor allem lungenkranke Berliner erholten. A 997 deed by Emperor Otto III mentions a settlement with the Slavic name Belizi, though this denotation may also refer to the nearby town of Belzig. Beelitz-Heilstätten ist ein Gemeindeteil der Stadt Beelitz im Landkreis Potsdam-Mittelmark in Brandenburg mit 492 Einwohnern . Geschichte - Beelitz-Heilstätten {/C/ )bsujdmfcpez;efgbvmu .efmfhjfsu bo.? =0gjhvsf? Beelitz-Heilstätten (52°15′37″N 12°55′30″E / 52.26028°N 12.92500°E / 52.26028; 12.92500 (Beelitz-Heilstätten)), a district of the town, is home to a large hospital complex of about 60 buildings including a cogeneration plant erected from 1898 on according to plans of architect Heino Schmieden. Ebt Ibvquhfcåvef wpo Cffmju{.Ifjmtuåuufo bvg fjofs Qptulbsuf wpo 2:21=cs0?=tuspoh?Gpup;=0tuspoh? bsujdmfcpez;ufyunpevmf* ..? Since 1370 the host was kept in a small chapel adjacent to the church. At the end of the 19th century, tuberculosis had taken hold of many major cities, including Berlin. =qjduvsf dmbttµ#jomjof.nfejb``nfejb nfejbmboetdbqf#? =gjhvsf dmbttµ#jomjof.nfejb#? In 1945, after the defeat of Nazi Germany, the German nation was divided in two. =tpvsdf tsdtfuµ#iuuqt;00jnh/npshfoqptu/ef0jnh0cfsmjo0dspq317:384:80:6:468:272.x72:.dw5`4.r96041417:59.68f5819c.b7g9.5dg7.b42:.44cf6d83e4g8.217/kqh# 0? Shopping. Beelitz Heilstätten – ein Ort viele Geschichten. Learn more about this beautiful spot in Germany, how to get there (with geo-tracking data) and how to take your perfect picture of this place with our photo tips. Lungenheilstätte für die Tuberkolosekranken von Berlin, Lazarett in beiden Weltkriegen, Zufluchtsort für Adolf Hitler und Erich Honecker, größtes sowjetisches Hospital außerhalb der UdSSR, Ort von schaurigen Verbrechen, beliebt bei internationalen Filmcrews, Fototouristen und Hobby-Abenteurern. The Mission | The Right Stuff l Disney+. After World War II, the station was used by the Deutsche Post of the GDR until it finally went out of service in 1991. Hitler bis Honecker: Die Geschichte der Beelitz-Heilstätten, Wanderweg in 23 Meter Höhe setzt auf schwindelfreie Urlauber, Bei Familie Mann hatten alle einen Knacks weg, Impfungen in Praxen: Patienten mit Codes drängeln sich vor, Belegung der Intensivbetten steigt - Inzidenz bei 110,5, Corona-Krise in Berlin: Schulstart am Montag auf der Kippe, Auto prallt gegen Baum - Fahrerin schwer verletzt, Jugendlicher hantiert in S-Bahn mit Pistolen-Imitat, Polizei löst Parteiversammlung wegen Corona-Verstößen auf, Rollstuhlfahrer geschlagen und ausgeraubt, Straßenbahn in Potsdam entgleist: Zwei Verletzte, Dealer spaziert mit Rollkoffer voller Drogen durch Mitte, Gesetzesänderung: Merkel will Corona-Regeln vereinheitlichen, Coronavirus: Die aktuellen Zahlen des RKI im Überblick, Rassismusvorwürfe gegen Fahrscheinkontrolleure der BVG, Am Kanal in Richtung Teltow - ein echter Geheimtipp. Originally designed as a sanatorium by the Berlin workers' health insurance corporation, the complex from the beginning of World War I on was a military hospital of the Imperial German Army. =btjef dmbttµ#jomjof.cmpdl jomjof.cmpdl..xjef#? "The Beelitz-Heilstätten complex in Germany was originally planned as a tuberculosis sanitorium in 1894 - formed of two neighbouring hospitals divided by the railway line, each seperated into male and female halves It was one of the largest hospital sites in the Berlin area, and considered exemplary for it's time.