Thomas 'Tom' Sawyer (uncredited) 4 episodes, 1968 Anton Reimer Muff Potter (uncredited) 3 episodes, 1968 He had earlier written an unpublished memoir of his own life on the Mississippi and had corresponded with a boyhood friend, Will Bowen, both of which had evoked many memories and were used as source material. Auf Wiedersehen, Franziska! Der schwarze Bumerang | Social. It is set in the 1840s in the town of St. Petersburg, which is based on Hannibal, Missouri, where Twain lived as a boy. This 1979 television series covers both of Mark Twain's novels about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (i.e. A week later, having deduced from Injun Joe's presence at McDougal's Cave that the villain must have hidden the stolen gold inside, Tom takes Huck to the cave and they find the box of gold, the proceeds of which are invested for them. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is an 1876 novel by Mark Twain about a boy growing up along the Mississippi River. Gemeinsam erleben Tom und Huck viele Abenteuer. Sie befreien den unschuldig einsitzenden Muff Potter aus dem Gefängnis und entlarven Indianer-Joe als Mörder. Schwejks Flegeljahre | 13 Episodes. Die Abenteuer des Tom Sawyer (Originaltitel: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer) ist ein Roman des US-amerikanischen Schriftstellers Mark Twain. Der Film erhielt außerdem den Perla-Fernsehpreis in Mailand. Tante Polly. In the first, a model child is never rewarded and ends up dying before he can declaim his last words which he has carefully prepared. Wenn eine Frau liebt | Pirate editions appeared very quickly in Canada and Germany. Injun Joe then appears to frame Muff Potter for the murder. [7]. [2] In the novel, Tom Sawyer has several adventures, often with his friend Huckleberry Finn. ", Beringer, Alex. The real Tom Sawyer was a local hero, famous for rescuing 90 passengers after a shipwreck. Episode 9 - Buried treasure - was … Indianer-Joe, der unter den Zuschauern im Gerichtssaal sitzt und Gefahr wittert, entkommt, bevor Tom überhaupt ausgesagt hat. 1. Götz von Berlichingen mit der eisernen Hand, Fernsehfilme (Auswahl): [35][36] A review in The New York Times observed: "It’s quite likely that this is the first all-new, entirely American three-act ballet: it is based on an American literary classic, has an original score by an American composer and was given its premiere by an American choreographer and company. The acting in this nearly 700 minute series is excellent. The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an American live-action and animated fantasy television series that originally aired on NBC from September 15, 1968, through February 23, 1969. Die Verfilmung basiert auf den Büchern Tom Sawyers Abenteuer und Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer sowie auf Leben auf dem Mississippi von Mark Twain. ", Caron, James E. "The Arc of Mark Twain's Satire, or Tom Sawyer the Moral Snag. Tom and Becky get lost and end up wandering in the cave for several days, facing starvation and dehydration. Huckleberry Finn. A fun-loving boy, Tom skips school to go swimming and is made to whitewash his aunt's fence for the entirety of the next day, Saturday, as punishment. ", This page was last edited on 20 March 2021, at 12:37. Back in school, Tom regains Becky's favour after he nobly accepts the blame and caning for a book she has ripped. Season 1 of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer premiered on December 1, 1968. Die Verfilmung der beiden bekanntesten Romane des US-Literaten Mark Twain über die Abenteuer zweier Jungs am Ufer des Mississippi bannte bei der Erstausstrahlung im Jahr 1968 mehrere Millionen Zuschauer vor ihre Fernseher. Mit "Tom Sawyers und Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer" erscheint ein weiteres beliebtes Highlight aus der Reihe "Die legendären TV-Vierteiler"! Das Tor zum Frieden | The score was by composer Maury Yeston, with choreography by William Whitener, artistic director of the Kansas City Ballet. Don Quijote von der Mancha | Während Tom nach Keokuk verreist, wird Huck von seinem Vater entführt. Die Trapp-Familie in Amerika | Der Florentiner Hut | Tom wins the admiration of the judge in the church by obtaining the Bible as a prize but reveals his ignorance when he is unable to answer basic questions about Scripture. Rechtzeitig kann er Hilfe holen und rettet der Witwe auf diese Weise das Leben. He owned a large house in Hartford, Connecticut but needed another success to support himself, with a wife and two daughters. Bismarck | Last Season. Tom lebt zusammen mit seinem Bruder Sid (Robert Hecker) bei seiner Tante Polly (Lina Carstens). An opening day attraction at Six Flags Over Mid America (Now Six Flags St Louis) was Injun Joe's Cave which told the story of Tom Sawyer and Becky Thatcher as they escaped from Injun Joe after his murdering of Dr. Robinson. In the second story, an evil little boy steals and lies, like Tom Sawyer, but finishes rich and successful. Lockruf des Goldes | The English edition was based on this corrected copy, while the illustrated American edition was based on the original manuscript. 13 Episodes. Tom Sawyers und Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer | The American Publishing Company finally published its edition in December 1876, which was the first illustrated edition of Tom Sawyer.[10]. Gemeinsam erleben Tom und Huck viele Abenteuer. "Writing the Imperial Question at Home: Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer Among the Indians Revisited. Though overshadowed by its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the book is considered by many to be a masterpiece of American literature. Yvette | Schultz is especially effective portraying Tom Sawyer and it is a shame that this was the last television series in which this talented child actor appeared. Zwei Jahre Ferien | In der Vorlage Mark Twains (Die Abenteuer des Huckleberry Finn) dagegen trifft Huckleberry Finn nach mehreren, in dieser Verfilmung nicht dargestellten Abenteuern am Ende seinen Freund Tom Sawyer wieder. Die Zuschauerkritik der Zeitschrift Gong beurteilte alle Folgen bis auf Folge 2 mit „sehr gut“. The American edition is therefore considered the authoritative edition. Tom and Huckleberry Finn swear a blood oath not to tell anyone about the murder, fearing Injun Joe would somehow discover it was them and murder them in turn. Tom and Joe do this to show just how cool they are to the other boys. Tom appears as a mixture of these little boys since he is at the same time a scamp and a boy endowed with a certain generosity. Tom Sawyer und Huckleberry Finn sind beste Freunde.Tom lebt zusammen mit seinem Bruder Sid bei seiner Tante Polly.Huck wohnt in einem Faß, sein Vater ist ein Säufer. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer has been adapted into comic book form many times: On November 30, 2011, to celebrate Twain's 176th birthday, the Google Doodle was a scene from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.[40]. Running to fetch help, Huck prevents the crime and requests his name not be made public, for fear of Injun Joe's retaliation, thus becoming an anonymous hero. Their romance soon collapses when she discovers that Tom was engaged to another schoolgirl, Amy Lawrence and that Becky was not his first girlfriend. He directs a posse to the cave, where they find Injun Joe's corpse just inside the sealed entrance, starved to death after having desperately consumed raw bats and candle stubs as a last resort. Die heilige Lüge | The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1968), tv-serie i 20 avsnitt med animerade inslag, producerad av Hanna-Barbera Productions. ", Hill, Hamlin L. "The Composition and the Structure of Tom Sawyer.". Sebastian Kneipp – Ein großes Leben | Nachdem das Fährboot nachts im Sturm auseinandergebrochen ist, halten sie Joe für tot. View All Seasons. [1], Robinson Crusoe | He encounters Injun Joe in the caves one day but is not seen by his nemesis. Es stellt sich heraus, dass sie Zeugen eines Mordes sind, den Der Inder Joe begangen hat. [6], The concept of what boyhood is is developed through Tom's actions as well as his runaway adventure with Joe and Huckleberry. The novel has elements of humour, satire and social criticism; features that later made Mark Twain one of the most important authors of American literature. By chance, the villains discover an even greater gold hoard buried in the hearth and carry it off to a better hiding place. Der Seewolf | He is depicted as malevolent for the sake of malevolence, is not allowed to redeem himself in any way by Twain, dies a pitiful and despairing death in a cave and upon his death is treated as a tourist attraction. Tom wohnt bei Tante Polly und versucht geschickt, sich die Arbeit vom Leibe zu halten. Der Mustergatte | Huck hat kein Zuhause. Speaking freely, Injun Joe and a companion plan to bury some stolen treasure of their own in the house. Tom tricks him into thinking that he can later join Tom's new scheme of starting a robber band if he returns to the widow. A little later, Twain had the text also quickly published at Chatto and Windus of London, in June 1876, but without illustration. Des Lebens Überfluß | Die gute Sieben | Actors who have portrayed Tom Sawyer in films and TV: Jack Pickford (1917) Gordon Griffith (1920) Jackie Coogan (1930 and 1931) Tommy Kelly (1938) Billy Cook (1938) Michael Miller (1944) Robert Hyatt (1955, TV) John Sharpe (1956, TV musical) Kevin Schultz (1968 in the TV series The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) Johnny Whitaker (1973) Don Most (1975) In Twain's novel, Tom and his friend are young when they decide they want to learn how to smoke a pipe. Tom then exchanges the tickets with the minister for a prized Bible, despite being one of the worst students in the Sunday school and knowing almost nothing of Scripture, eliciting envy from the students and a mixture of pride and shock from the adults. Der blaue Stern des Südens | The book has raised controversy for its use of the racial epithet "nigger"; a bowdlerized version aroused indignation among some literary critics. Tom ist Waise. Die Verfilmung basiert auf den Büchern Tom Sawyers Abenteuer und Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer sowie auf Leben auf dem Mississippi von Mark Twain. Die Geschichte spielt im 19. The trio later carries out this scheme, making a sensational and sudden appearance at church in the middle of their joint funeral service, winning the immense respect of their classmates for the stunt. At Potter's trial, Tom decides to defy his blood oath with Huck and speaks out against Injun Joe, who quickly escapes through a window before he can be apprehended. Auf dem Weg zu seinem Schlafplatz trifft Huck erneut auf Windy und Joe, belauscht sie und erfährt von einem Racheakt gegen die Witwe Douglas. „Weil sie fast ausschließlich die Geschichte zweier Jungen ist, muss sie auch hier zu Ende sein... Ohne zur Geschichte von Erwachsenen zu werden“. Als sie ihm jedoch erneut begegnen, entschließen sie sich, Muff Potter, den alle für den Mörder halten, mithilfe eines selbstgegrabenen Tunnels aus dem Gefängnis zu befreien. Marc Di Napoli. So ist in der nächtlichen Friedhofszene auf der Grabplatte das Sterbejahr des soeben verstorbenen Ross Williams mit 1845 angegeben. From their hiding spot, Tom and Huck wriggle with delight at the prospect of digging it up. Das chinesische Wunder | Tom grows bored by school, and along with his friends Joe Harper and Huckleberry Finn, they run away to Jackson's Island in the Mississippi River to begin life as "pirates". Twain named his fictional character after a San Francisco fireman whom he met in June 1863. With Fred Smith, Mark Strotheide, Betty Hardy, Lorna Henderson. Mathias Sandorf | Der organisiert eine spektakuläre Befreiung des inzwischen wieder festgesetzten Sklaven Jim. Großstadtmelodie | Tödliches Geheimnis – Die Abenteuer des Caleb Williams | Sie wissen, wer der Mörder ist: nicht der Dorfschreiner Muff Potter, der von allen verdächtigt wird, sondern der gefährliche Indianer-Joe. "Humbug History: The Politics of Puffery in Tom Sawyer's Conspiracy. 1968–1969: The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Tom Sawyer: Starring 1969: It's Happening: Himself / Judge: 2 episodes 1975: Lucas Tanner: Kevin "Why Not a Happy Ending?" Zu allem Übel müssen sie noch mitansehen, wie die Gauner einen Schatz ausgraben, den sie selbst dort vermutet hatten. Michael Strogoff | ", Gribben, Alan. [9], In November 1875 Twain gave the manuscript to Elisha Bliss of the American Publishing Company, who sent it to True Williams for the illustrations. Huckleberry, genannt Huck oder Hucki, ist obdachlos und geht nicht zur Schule. Mitte des 19. "On the Structure of" Tom Sawyer". Lina Carstens. | Das letzte Kapitel | Unterwegs begegnen sie dem Dampfer, der Tom Sawyer mit Tante Polly, Sid und Becky aus den Ferien nach St. Petersburg zurückbringt. Die Schatzinsel | Tom Sawyers und Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer ist eine Buddy-Serie aus dem Jahr 1968 von Mark Twain mit Roland Demongeot und Marc Di Napoli.. Das Leben geht weiter | Towers, Tom H. "I Never Thought We Might Want to Come Back": Strategies of Transcendence in" Tom Sawyer. Tom Sawyer, the story's title character, also appears in two other uncompleted sequels: Huck and Tom Among the Indians and Tom Sawyer's Conspiracy. Tom und Becky können fliehen. Cagliostro | Immer wenn der Tag beginnt | Summer arrives and Tom and Huck decide to hunt for buried treasure in a haunted house. By the time he wrote Tom Sawyer, Twain was already a successful author based on the popularity of The Innocents Abroad. For other uses, see, Sequels and other works featuring Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (disambiguation), The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs, The Innocents Abroad or The New Pilgrims' Progress, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, Rascals and Robbers: The Secret Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, "The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1968–1969)", "Huckleberry Finn and His Friends (1979– )", "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (1981)", "THEATER REVIEW; An Older (and Calmer) Tom Sawyer", "Could a 17-Year-Old Bring Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" Back to Broadway? To further complicate matters, Twain was personally concerned with the revision of the proofs of the American edition, which he did not do for the English edition. When Tom hears of the sealing two weeks later, he is horror-stricken, knowing that Injun Joe is still inside. These two editions differ slightly. Eventually, Tom finds a way out and they are joyfully welcomed back by their community. Twain then made his own corrections based on Howells' comments which he later incorporated in the original manuscript, but some corrections escaped him. Meine Nichte Susanne | Der Weibsteufel | … und ewig bleibt die Liebe | Series Cast. Die Abenteuer des David Balfour | Huckleberry, der nun aus Dankbarkeit bei der Witwe Douglas lebt, wird plötzlich von seinem Vater, den alle für tot hielten, verfolgt. Jahrhundert in einem Städtchen am Mississippi in Missouri oberhalb St. Louis. The place of his death and the in situ cups he used to collect water from a dripping stalactite become a local tourist attraction. Du und ich | "The role of structure in Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Becky becomes extremely dehydrated and weak and Tom's search for a way out grows more desperate. 13 Episodes. Muff Potter is eventually jailed, assuming he committed the killing in an act of drunkenness and accepting of his guilt and fate. Schlußakkord | Sie befreien den unschuldig einsitzenden Muff Potter aus dem Gefängnis und entlarven Indianer-Joe als Mörder. Zeigler "Two-Timin' Man" Hauptpersonen sind die halbwüchsigen Freunde Tom Sawyer und Huckleberry Finn. Jacqueline | Regie führten Jack B. Hiveley, Michael Berry, Ken Jubenvill und Don S. Williams. Der Film endet mit der Erwähnung, dass sich Tom und Huck nie wiedersehen werden und ihre gemeinsamen Abenteuer vorbei sind. Während Tom einem geordneten bürgerlichen Leben entgegenfährt, treibt das Floß mit Huckleberry und Jim vorbei, ohne dass die beiden Freunde voneinander wissen und sich noch einmal sehen. Full Cast & Crew. At the graveyard, they witness a trio of body snatchers, Dr Robinson, Muff Potter and Injun Joe, robbing a grave. Als Tante Polly Tom als Strafe auferlegt, den Zaun am Hau… ", Blair, Walter. Eine Frau fürs ganze Leben | Jetzt dreht die Welt sich nur um dich | Shortly after Becky shuns him, Tom accompanies Huckleberry Finn, a vagrant boy whom all the other boys admire, to a graveyard at midnight to perform a superstitious ritual designed to heal warts. Versprich mir nichts! "Tom Sawyer und Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer" Die unzertrennlichen Freunde Tom Sawyer und Huckleberry Finn leben in St. Petersburg, einem Städtchen am Mississippi. The series was directed by Jack B. Hively and Ken Jubenvill. Tom Sawyers und Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer (Originaltitel: Les Aventures de Tom Sawyer) ist ein ZDF-Abenteuervierteiler aus dem Jahr 1968 mit Roland Demongeot und Marc di Napoli in den Hauptrollen. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1960), BBC-serie i sju avsnitt med Fred Smith som Tom och Janina Faye som Becky. In court, Injun Joe pins the murder on Muff Potter, although Tom and Huckleberry Finn know he is innocent. Meine Tochter Patricia | They attraction was open until 1978 when it was replaced with "The Time Tunnel". Urlaub auf Ehrenwort | Bevor sie ihn jedoch persönlich auf diese Fluchtmöglichkeit aufmerksam machen können, flieht Potter und wird wenige Stunden später wieder eingefangen. Tom Sawyer entscheidet sich auch aus der Enttäuschung, von Becky Thatcher, seiner Angehimmelten, verlacht worden zu sein, heraus dazu. Les aventures de Tom Sawyer (1968), Romanian/French/West German television miniseries directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner, starring Roland Demongeot as Tom and Marc Di Napoli as Huck Aventurile lui Tom Sawyer (1968), Romanian movie directed by Mircea Albulescu. Tom falls in love with Becky Thatcher, a new girl in town and the daughter of a prominent judge. Das tanzende Herz | Tom Sawyer, an orphan, lives with his Aunt Polly and his half-brother Sid in the fictional town of St. Petersburg, Missouri, sometime in the 1840s. The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is definitely worth adding to your DVD collection! Ich heirate Herrn Direktor | Er ist hinter dem Vermögen seines Sohnes her. Des Öfteren muss Tante Polly, eine Frau mit einem großen Herzen, Tom zur Ordnung rufen, da er anderen nur allzu gern Streiche spielt. Tom und Huck können trotz des heftigen Sturms entkommen. Gemeinsam erleben Tom und Huck viele Abenteuer. Liebe 47 | Mark Twain beschreibt in dem Buch einige selbst erlebte Ereignisse. Judge Thatcher, Becky's father, has McDougal's Cave sealed with an iron door. ", "An American Ballet: KCB Presents World Premiere Of Ambitious New Piece", "Maury Yeston's Tom Sawyer Ballet Will Get World Premiere in 2011", "Yes, Those Are Tom, Becky and Huck Leaping", First edition illustrations by True Williams, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, Some Learned Fables for Good Old Boys and Girls, Mark Twain's (Burlesque) Autobiography and First Romance, A True Story and the Recent Carnival of Crime, Punch, Brothers, Punch! Later, Tom trades the trinkets with other students for various denominations of tickets, obtained at the local Sunday school for memorizing verses of Scripture. Der Mann von Suez, Kinofilme: The two remained friendly during Twain's three-year stay in San Francisco, often drinking and gambling together. A third person narrator describes the experiences of the boys, interspersed with occasional social commentary. Henceforth, the boys live in constant fear of Joe's revenge for incriminating him. Die Entlassung | Tom wohnt bei Tante Polly und versucht geschickt, sich die Arbeit vom Leibe zu halten. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1968). [5] It was one of the first novels to be written on a typewriter. Taiga | Gedreht wurde wegen der relativ geringen Kosten im Donaudelta in Rumänien, das Walter Ulbrich „viel ursprünglicher“ fand als die Originallandschaft am Mississippi, sowie in vier Studios nahe Bukarest.[1]. Huck lebt in einem Fass, sein Vater (Marcel Peres) ist ein Säufer. Les aventures de Tom Sawyer (TV Mini-Series 1968) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Als Vorlage für den literarischen Ort St. Petersburg hat der Autor die Stadt Hannibal in der Nähe von St. Louis verwendet, in der er selbst aufwuchs (wesh… Tom und Huck finden wenig später Indianer-Joes Schatz. [12], The book has been criticised for its caricature-like portrayal of Native Americans through the character Injun Joe. Mark Twain describes some autobiographical events in the book. A February 6th, 1967 article in The Los Angeles Times suggests that the series was at the very least considered for the 1967-1968 season . Tom Sawyers und Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer (Originaltitel: Les Aventures de Tom Sawyer) ist ein ZDF-Abenteuervierteiler aus dem Jahr 1968 mit Roland Demongeot und Marc di Napoli in den Hauptrollen. Tom Sawyer is Twain's first attempt to write a novel on his own. Jahrhunderts: Tom Sawyer, ein sommersprossiger übermütiger Junge, lebt mit seiner Cousine Mary und seinem selbstgefälligen Halbbruder Sid bei seiner Tante Polly in einer kleinen Stadt am Ufer des Mississippi. After completing his manuscript, Twain had a copy made of it. ", Buchen, Callista. Tom Sawyer: A Ballet in Three Acts premiered on October 14, 2011, at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in Kansas City, Missouri. Die Schatzinsel | Tom entschließt sich, vor Gericht die Wahrheit zu sagen. Eines Nachts werden die Jungen Zeuge eines Mordes auf dem Friedhof. These are The Story of the Good Boy and The Story of the Wicked Little Boy which are satirical texts of a few pages. To help show how mischievous and messy boyhood was, The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs, shows a picture of a young boy smoking a pipe, sawing furniture, climbing all over the place, and sleeping. Waldwinter | Tom begegnet dort zu seinem Erstaunen Indianer-Joe und dessen neuem Freund Windy. Gedreht wurde wegen der relativ geringen Kosten im Donaudelta in Rumänien, das Walter Ulbrich viel ursprünglicher fand als die Originallandschaft am Missi… Die Stärkere | Wenige Tage später unternehmen Tom und seine Freundin Becky Thatcher einen Ausflug in die McDuff-Höhle, verlaufen sich aber dort und treffen plötzlich auf Indianer-Joe. He had collaborated on a novel with Charles Dudley Warner, The Gilded Age published in 1874.[8]. "Tom Sawyer und Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer" Die unzertrennlichen Freunde Tom Sawyer und Huckleberry Finn leben in St. Petersburg, einem Städtchen am Mississippi. It starred Michael Shea as Huck, Kevin Schultz as Tom Sawyer and Lu Ann Haslam as Becky Thatcher with Ted Cassidy voicing the villainous Injun Joe. Als Tom und Huck ihm eines Tages in einem halbzerfallenen Haus wieder begegnen, belauschen sie ihn und seinen Freund Windy und erfahren, dass er sich an ihnen bitter rächen möchte. Tom sawyer huckleberry finn film 1968 Tom Sawyer und Huckleberry Finn, zwei unzertrennliche Freunde, leben in einer kleinen Stadt in Mississippi. and Other Sketches, The £1,000,000 Bank Note and Other New Stories, The Curious Republic of Gondour and Other Whimsical Sketches, A Salutation Speech From the Nineteenth Century to the Twentieth, The Private History of a Campaign That Failed, Back to Hannibal: The Return of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn,, American adventure novels adapted into films, American novels adapted into television shows, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2020, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Thomas Sawyer, as a young adult, is a character in the movie, In 1960, Tom Boyd's musical version (re-titled, Beaver, Harold, et al., eds. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 7. Für die Produktion verantwortlich waren die Madison Prod. Tom sneaks back home one night to observe the commotion and after a brief moment of remorse at his loved ones' suffering, he is struck by the grand idea of appearing at his funeral. Ingeborg | This article is about the novel. [11] The two other subsequent books, Tom Sawyer Abroad and Tom Sawyer, Detective, are similarly in the first person narrative from the perspective of Huckleberry Finn. Aus Angst vor seiner Rache schwören sie, niemandem von der nächtlichen Tragödie zu berichten. Tom Sawyer. Huckleberry Finn and His Friends was filmed on location at the Burnaby Village Museum (then known as the Heritage Village) in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.
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