Enickma Dedicated Player. Playing next. :) Animation was awesome song went perfectly with it I loved it! Search. @ This one was a lot of fun to make, thanks to Bluefire006 and Dr Gemini for helping me out! In diesem uns vorliegenden Fall trifft das nur bedingt zu, fehlt den Mentos Grapefruit doch die frische Minznote... aber dafür schmecken die knackig dragierten Kaubonbons wunderbar nach herber Grapefruit mit einer frischen Zitrusnote :) Inhalt: 37,5. best. 1976. Fullscreen. Mentos, the freshmaker… The Freshmaker. 0:00. 1990 1990 MENTOS – THE FRESHMAKER Play. Cryptocoins; TV; Menü. 0:31. 0:00. share. Portal. 100% Upvoted. Remember those old #mentos commercials? That’s not how it happened. I play a variety of stuff suiting my varied and generally somewhat obscure tastes, including rock, jazz, and soul, much like I played on college radio in the 80s and 90s, when I was known as DJ Mentos the Freshmaker (hence the name of this show.) A variation of cunilingus where a mentos is inserted into the vagina followed by a mouthful of diet coke. Newgrounds accounts are free and registered users see fewer ads! Portal. The Freshmaker. Mentos freshness Fresh goes better With Mentos, fresh and full of life! "Mentos - The Freshmaker!" US OFFICE MOVED TO ERLANGER. GET SPRING OFFER. Mentos - The Fresh Maker The mentos theme song@@! Sign up Log in. 1976. Der Launch erfolgt mit entsprechender Lautstärke: Mit über 300 Millionen Kontakten ist es die größte Mentos-Kampagne, die die Vertriebsgesellschaft CFP Brands in Deutschland jemals startete. In 1976 presenteert Mentos zich voor het eerst op televisie. Mentos- The Freshmaker ist seit 1990 buchstäblich in aller Munde. Het zou niet de laatste keer zijn. 1973. Garp TXB. Die reclame op tv van vroeger! 1976. Mentos - The Freshmaker. My brother had to tell me it was some Euro dude trying to sound American. Entertainment. Mentos introduced the Freshmaker campaign that proved to be right on target: straight after its introduction Mentos sales went through the roof! Reviewed in the United States on October 22, 2017. 4.0 out of 5 stars Mentos! beworben werden. View Entire Discussion (0 Comments) More posts from the Unexpected community. Tabs Articles Forums Wiki + Publish tab Pro. The sexual partner then positions themself to take the resultant explosion in the face. Mentos The Freshmaker Compilation of explosive experiments with Uncle Rob Spray Paint Exploding in Lawn Mower, Propane Tanks Explosion, Piano Explosion Real Life Angry Birds, Toaster […] Policeman threatens a man with his gun because he thought he stole candy In a gas station of the city Buena Park in California, off-duty police officer marks with […] I had so many compliments :) Most Helpful Critical Review cute, but work. Mentos start met de nieuwe reclame campagne “ MENTOS CompliMENTOS ” om de nieuwe positie van Mentos kenbaar te maken: Mentos is niet enkel een freshmaker maar kan ook gebruikt worden om nieuwe connecties te maken. 1973. Son message : «Réservez votre bouche pour la fraîcheur tendre de Mentos». oh and to the guy below me XwaynecoltX how can u make the ending longer if the song isn't longer lol! Blue Rabbit decides to take a holiday (or vacation) to relax. Dieses Thema im Forum "Humor & Fun" wurde erstellt von [mac]snails, 2. But things don't go as planned and he realises where he'd rather be. EEN NIEUW LID VAN DE MENTOS-FAMILIE: MENTOS … Er kam so gut an, dass es nicht der letzte bleiben sollte! More on Genius. Mentos, the freshmaker! Sry for you but there are so many other movies much better than this one!! Join Facebook to connect with Mentos TheFreshmaker and others you may know. no comments yet. Mentos, the freshmaker! ~~REVIEW~~ American History X Mentos Commercial Parody. Der Klassiker von Mentos.Zum Facebook Profil: https://www.facebook.com/MentosDEZur Website: http://www.mentos.com/?tld=de Fresh goes better, Mentos freshness, fresh goes better with Mentos, fresh and full of life! Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. hide. Erster TV-Spot. beworben werden. Amazon.de/musik: THE ROCK TRAX – MENTOS THE FRESHMAKER jetzt kaufen. save. Mentos Chewy Fruit Flavor 15 1.32z Rolls Breath Candy Fresh Stock The Freshmaker | Home & Garden, Food & Beverages, Pantry | eBay! [Do-do-do-doooooo-hooo-waaaaaaah] It doesn't matter what comes. Settings. 1976. Join CJDaigle on Roblox and explore together! Brian. Mentos, the Freshmaker. ultimate guitar com. Het bekendste mintje is hard van buiten en zacht van binnen met een verfrissende smaak! It doesn't matter what comes, fresh goes better in life, and Mentos is fresh and full of life. 0:00. Erlanger, Kentucky. Foren . Nothing gets to you, staying fresh staying cool, with Mentos, fresh and full of life. Usage Attribution-NoDerivs Topics Mentos:30 second commercial spoof of a Mentos commercial. mentos-the freshmaker parody. it's unique and great for spring so i had to have it. hide. 2015. just enjoy [media] [SPOILER] Thema von: On3m4nsh0w, 20. US sales office moved to Erlanger, Kentucky where it currently resides. DE EERSTE TV COMMERCIAL. Mentos the Freshmaker. More Versions. It was negative! But let me tell you, guys. Mentos Commercial 80s - NothingButOldSchool. Statt "The Freshmaker" und zuletzt "Stay fresh" soll das Kau-Bonbon künftig mit dem Spruch "Who says no to Mentos?" Stream Mentos - The Freshmaker (Mall) 1994 by Maltz from desktop or your mobile device Report. Direktauswahl. Treat yourself to something sweet with Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Nail Color, America's #1 quick-dry polish. Foren. 0:35. Various – Mentos The Freshmaker Label: EMI – 7243 8 29235 2 7 Format: CD, Compilation, Stereo Country: Greece Released: 1994 Genre: Rock, Pop. The mints are small oblate spheroids, with a slightly hard exterior and a soft, chewy interior.. 1 Stroke. We were about 15/16 years old here. Gran Torino. I have the freshmaker and it's the cutest color! Mentos - The Freshmaker Share Collapse Notice: Many browsers are beginning to disable or hide the Adobe Flash plugin, in preparation for its end-of-life in December 2020. Dieses Thema im Forum "Humor & Fun" wurde erstellt von vince2, 10. Interactive Piano Tutorial for the Mentos Jingle melody. 1976. Alle Mentos reclame kijk je eenvoudig terug via de commercial database van Reclameregister. Statt "The Freshmaker" und zuletzt "Stay fresh" soll das Kau-Bonbon künftig mit dem Spruch "Who says no to Mentos?" Be the first to share what you think! Erlanger, Kentucky. Mentos: The Freshmaker 27 posts cromicus. 1976. So I proceeded to figure it out. Je kunt ze gebruiken bij een vergadering of als afsluiter van een etentje in de horeca! Anybody else really miss these commercials? Be the first … Mentos the Freshmaker werd de nieuwe reclamecampagne. Juli 2008. 5 Minute Work Magic. American History X. 1976. Mentos - The Freshmaker Share Collapse Notice: Many browsers are beginning to disable or hide the Adobe Flash plugin, in preparation for its end-of-life in December 2020. Jetzt kann der weltweite Siegeszug richtig losgehen und 2005 kommt Mentos, zur Freude aller Fans, … Member. I Wanted to play this ridiculous jingle and looked it up on here to see the existing tab was dreadfully wrong. Mentos The Freshmaker. Browse more videos. Mentos, the Freshmaker “Here, let me do it. With Mentos, fresh and full of life! Wie herinnert het zich nog? Letztens gefunden und für lustig befunden: MENTOS: THE FRESHMAKER - YouTube Viel Spaß Thema von: vince2, 10. Wij kunnen deze snoepjes op verschillende manieren verpakken. Mentos, the Freshmaker! Settings. Fresh goes better in life, With Mentos fresh in full out life! I don't know if it was the song, the random activities, whatever, I still think these were the greatest commercials of all time. no comments yet. Mentos, the Freshmaker. Direktauswahl. report. Become a Supporter today and help make this dream a reality! I had to use about 3 coats, and you have to be very conscious about getting the flecks on your nail. Stammnutzer #1 2. US OFFICE MOVED TO ERLANGER. I didn't look at it carefully, so I thought it would be chocolate filled with caramel. Ver 1 Ver 2. 107k. 1976 . NIEUWE SMAKEN. 1978. Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Enickma, Apr 25, 2014. This was our Junior year of high school. A terribly hilarious or hilariously terrible mentos parody ad I created. best. ... Oh yeah, if you want to find the poontos, do a google search for "mentos.mpg" or "poontos". Per stuk in een eigen flowpack of in een potje, blikje of glazen bokaal. COCA COLA VS MENTOS - Sprite vs Mentos. View the profiles of people named Mentos TheFreshmaker. Here are Lee's tips for how to do the look yourself: Apply Sally Hansen Insta-Dri x Mentos in The Freshmaker for the base color. Fullscreen. Mentos verpasst sich einen neuen Claim. 0 comments. 1 Coat. [mac]snails. Our goal is for Newgrounds to be ad free for everyone! Mentos: The Freshmaker. The colors — complete with fun, mint-themed names — include The Freshmaker (white flecked with blue glitter), Confection Perfection (pink crème), You’re the Zest (yellow cremè), Orange You a Peach (pastel orange crème), Fuchsia Fizz (pearl pink inspired by Mentos’ metallic wrappers), Cutie Fruitie (glitter mix), Peppermint Dandy (blue crème), and Mint To Be (apple green crème). The Mentos The Freshmaker Show (formerly known as Moose Hour) is my weekly streaming radio show. 1973. :rofl::rofl: ow man!!! Hehe von … Apr 1, 2020 3,167. MENTOS: The Freshmaker. More on Genius. https://www.discogs.com/Various-Mentos-The-Freshmaker/release/10755331 Einen anderen Dienst zum Anmelden verwenden. Bewertung, MENTOS THE FRESHMAKER. Thema Cola + Mentos fast draufgegangen. Dezember 2008. info@horizont.net, Selbst bandagiert finden Mentos-Fans noch neue Freunde. Perhaps you can give your movies a more ironic or sarkastic tone! Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. report. 100% Upvoted. Reviews There are no reviews yet. THE FRESHMAKER. Dieses Thema im Forum "Humor & Fun" wurde erstellt von DavyDave, 5. plus-circle Add Review. (Mentos, The Freshmaker) CJDaigle is one of the millions playing, creating and exploring the endless possibilities of Roblox. Mentos Gran Torino Parody Commercial. 4. Bruiscola en de Foo Fighters. 0:00. View Entire Discussion (0 Comments) More posts from the Unexpected community. 3:31. Dries in 60 seconds. Das Jahr 2001 war ein ganz besonderes für Mentos: Das niederländische Unternehmen van Melle und das italienische Unternehmen Perfetti verschmolzen und machten so den Weg für Mentos frei – weltweit! Mentos: de Freshmaker als je een meisje, ga er gewoon voor De politie dreigde pistool een man, omdat hij dacht dat hij snoep gestolen In een stad tankstation … 1973. Foren. Hehe von den Jungs kann jeder noch viel lernen wie man ne Frau anmacht: Mentos Parody - YouTube. Spring Sale: Pro Access 80% OFF. Debuted in late 1991 on American and Canadian television, each campy commercial featured this catchy melody. Now as i watch this its cute and amusing, but i think it needs subtitles, not that the sound is bad or anything just that it would be a nice gesture for the viewers, haha well this really had a cute and funny moments especially when the fresh maker mentos were dancing then it just sorta ended there, i think that ending scenes should have gone on somewhat longer, but other then that its a pretty funny toon, ~~THINGS TO IMPROVE ON~~ Interactive Piano Tutorial for the Mentos Jingle melody. Their 3-in-1 formula, with built-in base and top coat, offers shiny, extended wear in a single step, and their contoured brush allows for a perfect application. SAVE YOUR MOUTH FOR MENTOS. 0. days: 08. hrs: 35. min: 20. sec. THE FRESHMAKER. Is shooting fireworks even legal in heavily populated urban areas? 1973. US sales office moved to Erlanger, Kentucky where it currently resides. hehe ok i had a good laugh out of this, i have not seen one of these parodies in awhile so thanks for presenting a very fresh flash here, now nice work on the art and character design as you did have some fresh and smooth looking animation and art. ... You know, I’d always dreamed of breaking a heel off and then breaking the other one off just like in that Mentos commercial (mhm — from 1994). RAID.RUSH; Portal. Die "Mentos the Freshmaker" Kampagne startete und wurde weltweit ein Hit: Die Mentos Verkäufe stiegen und stiegen! Ver 3 * Pro Play This Tab. Bekijk nu het overzicht aan reclamespots. 2001 fusionieren das niederländische Unternehmen van Melle und die italienische Firma Perfetti. Een wereldberoemd en gewaardeerd merk. Die Einführungskampagne dazu liefert Langzeitagentur Bartle Bogle Hegarty, London. share. Na de introductie groeiden de Mentos verkopen sky high. Mentos (stylised as mentos) are a brand of packaged scotch mints sold in stores and vending machines.First produced in 1932, they are currently sold in more than 130 countries worldwide by the Italian-Dutch corporation Perfetti Van Melle. About “Mentos Theme Song” (Unreviewed) Good, wholesome ditty about making the best out of life. Humor & Fun. When I was a kid, I didn't understand why "Mentos: The Freshmaker" sounded so weird. 1976. add some subtitles to start off, and also have the ending go on abit longer, it was good and all but the whole time it was playing i kept on w8'n for like something funny to happen lol but other than that pretty good, He did remind me kinda off mario just with a Afro. Mentos “the Freshmaker” alom bekend om zijn heerlijke mint- en fruittabletten. 162k. That was my fault. Er kam so gut an, dass es nicht der letzte bleiben sollte! Le spot, qui met en vedette un mouton, est diffusé dans de nombreux pays. Debuted in late 1991 on American and Canadian television, each campy commercial featured this catchy melody. 1978. Shot and Edited by Amy McClung. Mentos The Freshmaker. 2015. Co-starring Kate Dalton [April 2006] Addeddate 2006-06-19 04:02:15 Format MovingImage Identifier MENTOSTheFreshmaker_0 Upload_application. These Mentos Caramel and Chocolate are pretty good. Mar 2, 2021 #14 ConfusingJazz said: So here it is, the theme for Mentos Breath Min. But the effort is worth it! Dezember 2008. Die „Mentos the Freshmaker“ Kampagne startete und wurde weltweit ein Hit: Die Mentos Verkäufe stiegen und stiegen! Mentos the Freshmaker [MENTOS] Statistiken; Übersichtskarte; Informationen Ingame (Normal) Ingame (Gastzugang) Allgemein. Vocal M S. Rhythm Guitar M S. Solo Guitar M S. Drums M S. View all instruments. Tracklist . Mentos introduced the Freshmaker campaign that proved to be right on target: straight after its introduction Mentos sales went through the roof! The word used in Mentos commercials. Great news. Done. Play. #issajoke #mentosthefreshmaker #fyp #tiktokcreators @_izzyj. Oktober 2009, 7 Antwort(en), im Forum: Humor & Fun. Der erste TV-Werbespot für Mentos wurde ausgestrahlt. Just another goofy video we made after school. this review is for the shade "freshmaker". La campagne Save Your Mouth for Mentos - Mentos the Freshmaker - est lancée. ©Copyright 1995-2021 Newgrounds, Inc. All rights reserved. Der erste TV-Werbespot für Mentos wurde ausgestrahlt. Anregungen & Kommentare an Mentos maakt zijn TV debuut met een frisse Mentos commercial. Neue Geschmäcker. mentos-the-freshmaker Domain Registration bei domains.ch. Be the first to share what you think! 1973. Verified Purchase. Bartle Bogle Hegarty trägt die "Freshmaker"-Ära zu Grabe. Suchergebnis auf Amazon.de für: freshmaker Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen. 0 comments. 5:05. *totlach* *nichtmehrzuatemkom* also des ist halt mal wieder Japsenwerbung Oktober 2009. Mentos verpasst sich einen neuen Claim. MENTOS THE FRESHMAKERS. comment . ERSTER TV-SPOT. Sort by. 1978. Style: Pop Rock. Staying fresh, staying cool! FIRST TV COMMERCIAL. Sort by. original sound - Izzy. 1978. save.