Subjects completed survey questionnaires before and after using the EHAWs. Checking when to use the proxy is done locally on your computer before a request is sent over the Internet. Shibboleth is a method by which you can authenticate yourself to external services with your HTML user account FHWS user account . The proxy is thus interposed. Which of the points above have you tested? Now the access should work. A Single Sign-On solution that prioritises the experience and privacy of your users and keeps your workforce connected both within and between organisations. Safari, and continue surfing as usual. als virtuelle Posterkonferenz (DGM-Jahrestagung 2020), 2nd Nordic International Business, Export Marketing and Tourism Conference 2020 (NIB&EM Conference 2020), Canadian Council of Deans of Arts Conference 2020, 2020 Association of Internet Researchers Conference (AoIR2020), ESA RN5 – Midterm Meeting of the Research Network of Sociology of Consumption, European Workshop on Laser Ablation 2020 (EWLA2020), The American Short Story: Old and New (SSASS 2020), 40th Congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS 2020), 1st German-West African Conference on Sustainable, Renewable Energy Systems SusRES – Kara 2020 (SusRes'2020), Journée cantonale formation continue "École et haut potentiel intellectuel: comprendre pour agir" (JCFCHPI 2020), International Workshop "MR - yesterday, today, and tomorrow", Biennial of heritage education 2020 - BEP20 (Biennial of heritage education 2020 - BEP20), 2nd International Conference of the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH 2020), Fourth International Workshop on Entrepreneurship, Electronic and Mobile Business (IWEMB 2020), Virtual Higher Education Summit 2020 (HES 2020), 24th ICABR Conference 2020 - ACCELERATING THE BIOECONOMY (24th ICABR Conference 2020), International Summer School 2020 „Deutsche Kultur - Kulturen in Deutschland”, IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena 2020 (CEIDP 2020), 14th Annual Conference of the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN 2020), ICSEI Professional Learning Conference 2020 (ICSEI PLC 2020), 8th International Conference of Arte-Polis 2020 (ARTE POLIS 8), Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering (SSBE 2020), 2020 Third International Workshop on Mobile Terahertz Systems (IWMTS 2020), OPTIQUE Dijon 2020 le plus grand congrès international francophone (OPTIQUE Dijon 2020), Power and Energy Student Summit (PESS 2020), 2nd Summer School of Personality Science 2020 (SSPS 2020), 2. Privacy Statement, 5th International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Construction Materials (HiPerMat 2020), International Conference on the History of Nursing (FLORENCE 2020), Onlinetagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik (GDM-OlTa 2020), Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychology (CRCP 2020), THERMEC'2020 International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING OF ADVANCED MATERIALS: Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications, fib International Conference on Concrete Sustainability (fib ICCS 20), 12th Annual Hedge Fund & Private Equity Research Conference 2020, VALS-ASLA 2020 Conference of the Swiss association for applied linguistics, 13. The access doesn't work. Please note that we only send your access data to your internal FHWS e-mail address. Asthana Is there an error message? Erziehungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Schule und Transnationalisierung (TRANSNATIONALISIERUNG 2020), American Academy of Oral Medicine Annual Conference 2020 (AAOM 2020), ICAST2020 International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, Fachverband für Strahlenschutz - Jahrestagung 2020, 25th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2020) (ISL21), 43rd Edition of the European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2020), ANP Kongress 2020: „Den Kompetenzen verpflichtet“, 2e journée de la gouvernance et du leadership en éducation, Tag der Allgemeinmedizin Hannover 2020 (TDA MHH 2020), The 5th Profunedu: The 5th Progressive and Fun Education"Disruptive Education Era and Society 5.0", Mock Innsbruck: the connection between galaxies and dark matter haloes (Mock Innsbruck), KogWis 2020 15. 12 UN-KRK), Lower Saxony-Scotland Joint Forum (Joint Forum 2020), 30th Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry (DiGifZ 2020 Digitale Konferenz), MULTIKONFERENCJA Krajowego Srodowiska Tele- i Radiokomunikacyjnego KKRRiT i KSTiT 2020 (KKRRiT i KSTiT 2020), SWIB20 - Semantic Web in Libraries 2020 (SWIB20), Journalismus Nachwuchspreis der FHWien der WKW, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference 13th Annual Conference (SOTL Conference 2020), VI Wroclaw Conference in Finance (WROFIN 2020), Hydrogen Dialogue / #NUEdialog 2020 (Hydrogen Dialogue 2020), NorCAS 2020 (IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference), DMI International Design Management Research Conference 2020 (DMI:ADMC 2020), Journées Francophones de Recherche en Néonatologie (SFN-JFRN 2020), Online Management Accounting and Research Group Conference in association with the Management Control Association (MARG Conference 2020), 1st Dresden Conference on Lateral Entry and Second Career Teachers (LETE Conference 2020), 26th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems (THERMINIC 2020), 2020 DLF Forum & Digital Preservation (2020 DLF Forum), International Conference on Sustainable Competitive Advantage (ICSCA) 2020, Sustainable agricultural development and regional cooperation for inclusive growth in Central Asia (TSUE 2020), Opportunities of structural change - New perspectives for NRW (Strukturwandel 2020), 76th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance | Online (IIPF 2020), Stellenbosch University Experiential Education Conference 2020 (SUEEC 2020), 2nd German Industry Seminar on the Topic Concrete-3D-Printing and Other Digital Concrete Construction Methods (3DS 2020), ISTFP online Conference 2020 (ISTFP 2020), EPOC 2020: Engineering Project Organization Virtual Conference (EPOC 2020), Dr. Harald Weinreich & ConfTool GmbH, Germany. This is a simple text file that you can download and view in a text editor. You will find the areaÂ. Click the link for more information. ... (Open Architecture for XML Authoring and Localization technical committee. Magdeburger EMV-Industrieseminar 2020, 8. Wer braucht was wofür? 44th International Microelectronics and Packaging IMAPS Poland 2020 Conference (IMAPS 2020), European Optical Society Annual meeting (EOSAM) 2020, 3. Congress of the German Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (DGMKG 2020), International Joint Conference EMPOrIA 2020 (Enhanced Material and Part Optimization and Process Intensification), 3rd European Symposium on Minimally Invasive Oncologic Surgery (MIS Symposium 2020), 91th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2020), The Spring Servitization Conference 2020 (SSC 2020), American Real Estate Society 36th Annual Meeting 2020 (ARES 2020), eSim 2020: Building Simulation meets Building Data (eSim 2020), Nachwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz 2020 (NWK 2020), Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 5th Conference (DHN 2020), Zwangsstörungen im Fokus: Perspektiven für eine erfolgreiche Behandlung (Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Zwangsstörungen 2020), 4th Annual Sustainable Consumption Action & Research Initiative Conference (SCORAI2020) - Sustainable Consumption & Social Justice in an Urbanizing World, Skills4Future – Grazer Berufsbildungskongress 2020, 10th International Symposium for Fish Parasitology Australian Society for Parasitology Annual Conference 2020 (2020 ISFPX and ASP Annual Conference), Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR) - ContaSed 2020, 21st Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2020), 12th European Mucosal Immunology Group Meeting (EMIG 2020), 22nd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2020), International Conference on Small Proteins in Prokaryots: an Unexplored World – SPP2002 Hamburg, 8th International Istanbul Smart Grid and Cities Congress and Fair (ICSG Istanbul 2020), 22. due to de-registration), follow the same instructions as for setting it up. Switch to the "Proxies" tab and make the following settings: In order to be allowed to use the access, you must be a member of the Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences (FHWS) and have applied for an account. The following example of SpringerLink shows how authentication using Shibboleth works.Please note that the following instructions may vary from provider to provider. Magdeburger Lehrertag "Informatische Bildung an Schulen", Acts of Musical Writing / Musikalische Schreibszenen, EIP 2020: 12th Excellence in Pediatrics Conference (EIP 2020), 38th International Conference and Exhibition of the International Committee for Study of Bauxite, Alumina & Aluminium (ICSOBA 2020), 22. You will be redirected to a page of the FHWS. Arbeitswissenschaftliches Kolloquium: Arbeit unter einem D-A-CH – Automatisierung und Digitalisierung in der modernen Landwirtschaft (AKAL2020), International Conference on Diagnostics in Electrical Engineering (Diagnostika) (Diagnostika 20), Participatory Design Conference 2020 (PDC2020), Building Simulation and Optimization 2020 (BSO2020), ICUME 2020 4th International Conference on Uncertainty in Mechanical Engineering (ICUME 2020), New York Celebration of Women in Computing 2020 NYCWIC '20, 11th European Meeting on Adult Congenital Heart Disease (EuroGUCH 2020), 24. weiterlesen LOSS – ART ACTION IN ATHENS ON 16/03/2018. For testing open e.g. Register now with your normal university data (k-number). 30-09-2019 KNUTE Joint Project with Cambridge and Athens University of Economics and Business 26-09-2019 A Delegation of the Slovak Republic Visited KNUTE 14-09-2019 KNUTE Student Oleksii Novikov Has Won Bronze at 2019 Strongest Man Arena Tour Chrome, and continue surfing as usual. If you don't belong to a federated Identity Provider, or if you can't log in with your IdP, enter "Social login by Cirrus" from the list to log in with a social identity. International Social Work is a scholarly peer reviewed journal designed to extend knowledge and promote communication in the fields of social development, social welfare and human services. ÖGP conference (DGPSÖGP2020), The XII International Symposium on the Plant Hormone Ethylene (ETHYLENE 2020), Twenty-first International Working Seminar on Production Economics (ProductionEconomics2020), Symposium on Ultra Clean Processing of Semiconductor Surfaces 2020 (UCPSS 2020), International Conference on Talent Development and Honors Education 2020 (Honors Conference 2020), 39th Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association Annual Conference (GAPNA 2020), Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates (SUNA) Annual Conference (UROLOGIC 2020), 30th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2020), Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR) - Summer School 2020, 2020 Financial Markets and Corporate Governance (FMCG) Conference (FMCG 2020), 26th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2020), XIV Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais (CONLAB 2020), Decent Care Work? Nürnberger Dialog Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft (#NUEdialog 2020), VIRTUAL 7th Annual Conference on Financial Market Regulation (CFMR 2020), The 15th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance 2020, Wirkungsorientierte Forschung fördern, erfassen, anerkennen. Zydroń is also head of the OASIS OAXAL (Open Architecture for XML Authoring and Localization technical committee. Enter this address there: Select the button "More options" for your network connection (WLAN or similar): The detailed view of your network connection opens. To start its setup, please proceed to the next point. AQ Austria Jahrestagung 2020, Das wissenschaftliche Personal - Anspruch, Verantwortung und Herausforderung zukunftsfähiger Hochschulen, 26. What should I do? Translation Industry Organizations and Associations. You can find the FHWS in the menu „Select Your Institution“ with different names, e.g. The first EABA Summer School of Behaviour Analysis took place from July 6th to 17th, 2015, in Rethymno, Crete, in collaboration with the Departments of Psychology of Panteion University of Athens and the Hellenic Association for Behavior Analysis. What types of access are there and which ones should I use? Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission "Geschlechter- und Diversitätsforschung", 23rd International Conference on Material Forming - ESAFORM 2020, 3rd International Conference on Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing (EBAM 2020), The First BCU International STEAM Conference 2020 (STEAM Conference 2020), CCSC Rocky Mountain Conference 2020 (CCSC-RM 2020), The International Neuroergonomics Conference 2020 (NEC 2020), National Conference on Suicide Prevention 2020 Together for Life (Congrès national en prévention du suicide 2020), ICON Europe 2020 - 3rd International Conference On Nanoscopy, EURAU 2020 - European Research in Architecture and Urbanism, 2020 National Conference on Higher Education in Prison (2020 NCHEP), RSPSoc Annual Conference 2020 (RSPSoc2020), IEEE MMSP 2020 - IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Gemeinsamer Kongress DGMP/DGMS (DGMP/DGMS Kongress 2020), International Conference on Interactive Collaborative and Blended Learning (ICBL 2020), 2. About this journal. Its major focus is on international themes in the delivery of services. If these are not found, no proxy will be used. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen „Zukunft verantwortungsvoll gestalten!“ (FFH 2020), Fourth International DAM WORLD Conference 2020, ISMA-USD Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference 2020 ISMA45 and ISAAC31 Courses 2020 (ISMA-USD Conference & ISMA ISAAC Courses 2020), REPS 2020 Bilbao - VIII Congreso de la Red Española de Políticas Sociales, International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: Higher Education & Science Take Action 2020), 11th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2020], Actin Assembly for Intracellular Functions (AAIF 2020), 25th Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE 2020), 2020 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild, 1st International Symposium on Construction Resources for Environmentally Sustainable Technologies (CREST 2020), 7th IWA Water Resource Recovery Modelling Seminar (WRRmod2020), SGBF Kongress 2020 | Wissenstransfer zwischen Forschung, Praxis und Ausbildung (SGBF / SSRE 2020), 3rd World Symposium on Investment Research (WSIR-2020), 14th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference IRES 2020, Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) 52nd Annual Meeting (SAEA 2020), 15th Annual VSB Mid-Atlantic Research Conference in Finance (MARC) (MARC 2020), 15th ROOMVENT Conference 2020 - Energy efficient ventilation for healthy future buildings, 9th Workshop Remote Sensing of Land Ice and Snow of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL), 40th European Workshop for Rheumatology Research (EWRR2020), 23rd International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDECS 2020), Design Research Society International Conference (DRS2020), 2020 IEEE 38th Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC) (EIC 2020), The 39th International LAUD Symposium (LAUD2020), DMI International Design Management Research Conference (DMI:ADMC 2020), 70. Unfortunately, we cannot create illustrated instructions for all variants of operating systems and browsers here. Internationale Tagung der Hochschullernwerkstätten 2020 (LMWS 2020), The Wind of Change of Sustainability Standards (EAAE Seminar 175), 19th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2020), The 6th World One Health Congress 2020 (WOHC 2020), European Union in International Affairs VII (#EUIA20), 5th International Conference on System-integrated Intelligence Intelligent, flexible and connected systems in products and production (SysInt 2020), 5th International Conference on New Business Models (NBM 2020), REFRIGERATION SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES X Iberian Congress | VIII Iberoamerican Congress (CYTEF 2020), 10th Conference on Learning Factories CLF 2020, Fourth International Conference on Efficient Building Design, EADI ISS General Conference 2020: Solidarity, Peace and Social Justice, 3rd EURACT Medical Education Conference 2020 & 10th EURIPA Rural Health Forum (EURACT 2020), Grazer Grundschulkongress 2020 (GGSK 2020), 49. This window looks different depending on the browser used, but should always contain the following text: FHWS-Bibliothek - Externer Zugang (Zugangsdaten siehe Aktivierungsmail). E-Mail Many of the licensed materials that the library makes available to you are only accessible from the campus. Österreichischer Zeitgeschichtetag (zgt20), Critical Approaches to Interculturality (ACI 2020), Virtual Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference 2020 (Virtual DDMC 2020), Kompetenzen für die digitale Transformation (Digitalkompetenz-Tagung FHWS 2020), 5th European Congress of the European Region WCPT (ER-WCPT 2020), 16th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology (HTC 16), Indoor Environmental Quality Performance Approaches (IAQ2020), The 33rd International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI 2020), 10th Conference on Industrial Computed Tomography (ICT 2020), Language Assessment Research Conference 2020 (LARC 2020), 42nd Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC 2020), Micro and Nano Engineering 2020 (MNE2020), NSB 2020 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020), 35th PLEA Conference A Coruña 2020 (PLEA 2020), Rankine 2020 - Advances in Cooling, Heating and Power Generation, Resilient Materials 4 Life 2020 – International Conference (RM4L2020), SHA 2020 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology (SHA 2020), The 6th International STEM in Education Conference (STEM 2020), 14th International Congress on the Deterioration and Conservation of Stone (STONE 2020), Real and Private-Value Assets Conference 2020, (DHd Tagung 2020) 7. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik (dghd2020), 16th International Design Conference - DESIGN 2020, Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance (MAF 2020), International Bacterial Wilt Symposium (7th IBWS), European Conference on Personality 2020 (ECP20), 34th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI 2020), Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association NOeG 2020 (NOeG 2020), European Winter Finance Summit 2020(EWFS 2020), 17th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference (IBMAC 2020), 40.